Monday, October 29, 2012

Zombie Alert!

I made a little Raggedy Anne Zombie.   She is a wee little thing and I just adore her. Apparently Raggedy Andy left the toilet seat up one too many times and has been reduced to a shrunken head!   (I used a fairy pattern I got here)

I also created this little Alice for someone who got flaked on in my zombie swap....thankfully, she has been well received, even though she lost her shoes.


 and here she is with her goodies....

 everyone needs a little zombie in their pumpkin patch at Halloween!


  1. Awwwww, that zombie doll is soooo cute. Is it supposed to be cute given that it's a zombie?! You are so talented. I found your blog on 2 Bags Full 'grow your blog' event. Such fun, and I am now following you! Annie

  2. Looks like you are having fun creating and swapping for Halloween. Have a wonderful week. Tammy

  3. Only 5"? And so cute. I admire your talent, I struggle sewing on a button!


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