Sunday, October 21, 2012

Witches Hats!

The last couple of months, our home computer has been broken and I've been using Dean's laptop every few days to catch up.   I am probably the only person alive that doesn't like laptops but I really REALLY don't.  (I am thankful though that I had one to use!)  
Well, the computer is almost fixed.  We found out it has a short in it but that by disconnecting one of the ports, I am able to use it again.   Dean is going to look for a new box to house it but until then, I can at least use it.

Here is one of the things I was up to...a witch hat swap!     I don't join many swaps anymore....but I still like to host or join those swaps you find around this time of year.   I try to choose swaps that are for handmade things too....I find those the most rewarding and fun.   The funny thing about this swap is that my partner turned out to be someone I made an apron for about 5 years ago!    A small world.

We were to create a lovely hat to either wear or use as decoration and then include Halloween or fall items.   My partner sent me this lovely hat along with some other haunted favorites being the amazing mulling spices and a quilted table runner.    I took the table runner to work to show a quilter friend of mine.  She loved it!  I brought it home and it is on the dining room table....just perfect!

here is the sweet hat, safely out of harm's way on top of the china hutch with Jack, the Grand Marshall of Halloween at our house!   

and here is what I made her....a spooky banner, Frankie pincushion and one of my crocheted skeleton pins are the main things.

Here is a close up of the hat.   Interesting that we both used velvet and incorporated spiders on our hats!  Mine is smaller, I made it so she could wear it if she wanted.   It just slips on a little headband.

here is a better photo of the spider...

"When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween."
~Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Handmade with little extras certainly is a fun way to swap. Looks like you both got some great things. Have a wonderful day. Tammy


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