Monday, September 19, 2011


Matt decided that this year, he would go to the Homecoming dance without a date and hang with a bunch of other guys.

When I asked him why he didn't ask anyone he said:
"Well mom, if I ask a girl to go with me, I have to buy her stuff and I can only dance with her....but if I go with a bunch of friends, I only pay for myself and I can dance with a LOT of girls!"

hahahaha.......they learn quickly don't they?


  1. Very smart young man! The guys all look so handsome. Homecoming has gotten out of control at our schools. The kids dress up like it was prom, tuxes and dresses and limos. Crazy.

  2. Oh gosh - he's soooo handsome! And smart, LOL :-)

  3. Hi Val
    That's well thought out Matt! Hope he had a great time with his friends.

  4. Too Funny! My daughter said she would rather go with her friends she can dance with everyone & not be stuck with one person:)
    But it has gotten a little out of control...a dress for the parade..a dress for Homecoming Court..& another for the dance!

  5. Dances are not allowed here although there is a Senior Prom that is held at one of the hotels usually. Crazy culture when it comes to the mingling with the opposite sex. I mean, they gotta do it sooner or later so making it taboo just makes them want to do it all the more. :/ Hope you have a great day. Tammy

  6. That's funny and oh so smart! I hope they all had a great time!



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