Thursday, March 24, 2011

been brewin'

queen of hearts

Just got back from the doctor with Kaela.

She has a cold. She doesn't feel well, she has a really runny nose, a cough, a low temp and a headache. She doesn't want to eat much, just wants to sleep and get to feeling better.

Did I tell you she has a cold? Yep, she does.

I took her to the doctor. I knew she wouldn't get any meds because SHE HAS A COLD. She'll feel bad for a few days, but she'll live.

So I took her to the doctor knowing full well that I was going to pay good money for the doctor to look me in the eye and say "Yep, she has a cold alright."

So why did I get off work and take her to the doctor?
Oh, that's I could get the school a bleepin doctor's note that says "This child was seen in my office today and can go back to school when she/he feels better....."

I mean...really?

Why is this especially irritating to me?

Because when your kid has a cold and you KNOW it isn't anything but a cold, you shouldn't have to spend money on a doctor's visit simply to PROVE to the school that she has a cold.

Especially when she is an A student and the only time she is out of school is when she is sick or attending a school function.

Come ON, look it up....its right there in her file. She hasn't missed a huge number of days, right? She isn't checked out for manicures (I know someone who does this) or to go shopping (I know someone who does this too.)

Why is it that my kids are only 'allowed' to be sick 10 days a school year? And if, heaven forbid, they miss more days than that, they have to go to "Saturday" school or be put back?

I'll tell you why...

Because Ma and Pa Kettle from down the street, around the corner, over the hills and through the bleepin woods decided to take their kids to Disney, Hawaii, Florida, WHEREVER during state mandated testing and mucked the works up for the rest of us. (and being in the school, I know who you are and I know your kids needed to be in school studying.)

Oh....and its not just Kaela. When Matt was out 5 days with bronchitis, we got a note giving us a COURT DATE to provide information proving he was sick.......Just sayin......

Gee thanks


  1. Are you freaking kidding? Holy cow! Been awhile since my kids were in school...didn't know this is what it's come to...shaking my head.....

  2. that is just so wrong. What happened to our freedoms? A parent should be able to make those decisions no matter how inappropriately some do it. You should invoice the school for the dr visit!

  3. haha, I hadn't thought of sending them a bill...great idea!

  4. Val, from the teacher's end of things (me) ..... I hear you and feel your pain. It's the Admins who came up with this silly rule ....... it stems from those freakin' test scores. For some reason the Admins think that the children will somehow forget everything they have ever learned just by missing a few days. As someone said, if you could send the Admins your doctor's bill...that might fix things......just sayin'

  5. Don't you just love it? I love sending the bill to the school. I never thought of that!

  6. Welcome to our brave new world of equal outcomes...
    OOPs; don't get me started.

    Love YA Kiddo. Say hello to the family for me.

    Dr. Art

    PS. I'll gladly write the excuse for you! HA!

  7. I agree - the whole system is a mess!!!
    We have teachers who take off with their kids for a week (with our Principals blessing) to Disneyland - I thought that was why we all had such long summers .... to do all of these things.
    Our school is also very quick to send "those" letters ...uugghh - if a chils is sick - they're sick!!!

  8. That's ridiculous! I can see for students who are failing or chronically absent/tardy. But for most students this is a ridiculous policy! As a teacher I say we put way to much emphasis on test scores and not enough on letting kids be kids!


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