Monday, January 10, 2011

that darn cat

We took our Christmas decorations down yesterday.

Apparently, Suki felt that once the ornaments were off the tree, it was her's and she kept jumping into it.

She would NOT get out either........she was quite content, sitting in a fake tree, trying to chew chewing on the fake branches......

Here is the 'look' she gave us each time we tried to get her out!

Each time we pulled her out she would circle the house and jump back in.


  1. Awwww, that's so cute! I miss having a kitty - they do the weirdest stuff! Hopefully, you managed to get her out eventually, or did you just put the tree away with her still in it? ;-)

  2. Now that's a next year's Christmas card image.... ;-]

  3. She is going to miss that tree. It's her perfect hidey hole. So cute.

  4. Gotta love those kitties!!

    I just opened up the next Flirty Apron Swap. Hope you have time to join this round ... "Be My Cutie Pie" ... =)


  5. Suki is so cute! I love the second picture with her looking out of the tree. How did Leo do, I would have that he'd want to get in on the tree fun too?!

  6. What a cute picture! Cats sure do love Christmas trees.

  7. Sounds familiar! What is it with cats and fake trees?


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