Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Snails to Youuuuu...

I think snails are just tooooo cute! Unless they are in my garden! These guys will be on Christmas trees this year!

Here is what I sent Melinda for July's YOE ornament:

this lil snail-a-roo is for her camper...

tea wallet

snail pincushion...

and other goodies include beads, bath salts, a teeny snail charm, emergency chocolate and head kerchief for the camper

Here is what she sent me.....packed into this sweet box

a darling little snail 'elf'

and one with perfectly fun wonky eyes

the card is so cute I may have to turn it into an ornie!

and other goodies....lavender from her garden, charms, a gorgeous pansy hankie, a lovely wallet she made, some scrap booking stash stuff......I love it all!

Thank you Melinda!


  1. Fun! Those are the cutest snails I've ever seen!

  2. Oh, too cute,
    I have a story . . . My daughter's Beta fish (named Eva) lives in a 6 gallon tank all by herself so we decided to buy a couple of snails to help keep her tank clean. Do you know where I am going with this story?

    First we noticed that their antena were missing, then their short antina were missing.

    Escargot anyone?

  3. Love your snails Val!! In fact, I love all snails, because they make great food for Buffy! lol
    The Country Club Kats, I know why yoru snails are being eaten. If it's brightly coloured, then it's male. So I'm assuming it is. Therein lies your problem. Beta = fighter fish. Males fight, kill, and eat anything within their territory. Remove the snails. Problem solved!

  4. I love my snail goodies.......gotta tell ya though, the octopus thing is really throwing me!


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