Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to youuuuuu....

Yes Virginia, there IS a reason to smile on April 15th

.......its DEAN'S Birthday!
I bet he used this smile on his mom a LOT! And yes, it always works!!!

This is the man...
who I can't stay mad at....even when he throws the ball for Ginger the DAY she got her stitches out ,who will pull me into his lap when I start to cry, who hands me a tissue in movies BEFORE I start to cry, who makes sure the kids walk on the outside, while he walks on the inside....if you're a parent, you know what I'm talking about, who brings me Star buck's hot cocoa...even in summer because he knows I want it, who understands that underneath that tough girl exterior is a real softie that just wants everyone to get along ,who moves the furniture...again...and again...and again, who takes the kids to the mall because I HATE the mall, who fills the tub and lights the candles and lets me have some ME time while he tucks the kids in bed,
This is the man I thank God for everyday!

Happy Birthday honey, we love you!!!!


  1. Well happy birthday Dean but ya know a man is nothing without a good woman! Anyway, have you noticed that all the swap gals seem to be busy, not as much fellowship?

  2. Awww...this man sounds perfect - what a sweetheart! Happy Birthday from me too and many, many more :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My post was doubled so I removed one - it was nothing bad ;-)

    Happy Birthday again :-)

  5. Happy belated birthday to Dean - he sounds like he's a keeper. Hmm, I ought to leave this post up on the pc so that my husband can pick up a few hints...

  6. Happy Birthday Dean!

    Methinks you two are both lucky ducks!

  7. Yes honey, we love you! Especially for having such a wonderful amazing wife that you share with us every day!! Happy (late) Birthday Dean!!

  8. he sounds like a heck of a guy! Happy birthday Dean.....

  9. What a sweetie pie! I love all the many reasons you love him, Val.:) And how could he NOT love you??:) Happy Birthday!!! Lori

  10. Happy Birthday Dean! Val, what a great list of things that you love and appreciate about your husband. I think it's the little things that count and it's those things that endear them to us!


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