Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday's curse

This is getting ridiculous. You take a boy, you mix in a basketball and stir well. Then you add a curb and you get this:

So now Rip stick Boy is on crutches and wearing a fashionable bootie...I can't wait til NEXT Thursday to see what we're in for...


  1. Oh No!!! Maybe Thursdays need to be outlawed....I just was reading an article on the Internet about "Meatless Monday" - so maybe "Thursdayless Thursday" would be good???? Well, that's one fat ankle! Hope it gets better soon! And no more Thursday mishaps!

  2. Hmmmm....interesting looking foot...hope he'll be better soon!

    Have a nice weekend anyway,
    Doris :-)

  3. Is it broken? It looks way swollen. Ouchy! A clean washcloth soaked in witch hazel mixed with cool water makes a great compress and is a natural way to reduce inflammation. Hope he gets better.

  4. Poor you.......... Maybe it's time for your family to rename Thursdays!!!

  5. oh my! hope he is up and around very soon.

  6. Holy Crow! That's not his ankle is it?? Ouch!

  7. WOW! How are you holding up mommy??

  8. What will we do with our boys? Yusef's finger is much better now after his hairline fracture from playing basketball a little over a week ago. Sending well wishes to Rip Stick boy. Your swap items are so fun. MAny blessings, Tammy

  9. oh, Val...just now catching up on your blog. So sorry you guys have had so many scares lately. I hope the kids are okay now. THe leg looks like that hurts! WE had a huge ER scare ourselves a couple of weeks ago..full of ambulance trip with C to Cooks Childrens. Scared me to death!!

  10. OWWWWW!! I did that when I was 19! But even bigger - tore every tendon and ligament! I feel his pain. I like the idea of Thursdayless Thursdays for y'all! Or re-naming the day itself.

    At least there's lots of TV basketball to watch this weekend.

  11. You have had a very interesting month! The angels have been busy at your house! I hope both the kids are feeling better soon!

    Lisa Brown

  12. Oh No!!! first its Curly Girl with a fall and now the Rip Stick boy.. your going to have to put pillows on the front and the back of both of your babies to cushion those falls :)
    I hope the gets to feeling better fast. Its getting to be summer and what fun would that be all gimpy on crutches?

  13. OOOuch! I hope he's feeling better!

  14. OMG - that looks horrible. My ankle started hurting for him as soon as I saw the photo. How is he doing?

  15. YEOW! Tell the Rip Stick Boy his Uncle says OUCH!

    Hope you get him well soon.



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