Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bodice Ripping, say CHEESE!


So...Friday school was closed due to the winter storm. The kids were playing and I was puttering around, getting things straightened up.
I turned on the local news to see WHERE the snow was because it WASN'T in Slidell!

The news was over and The Bold and The Beautiful came on. I don't watch soaps anymore. I used to watch Y & R and when I was in college I watched AMC, GH and OLTL.

It caught my attention because Don Diamont was on the show...he was killed off on Y & R. I remember when he was the POOL boy...or gardener or something.

Anyhoo, he is apparently a 'bad boy' on B & B now and I was trying to figure out his new look with all the facial hair. He was having a conversation with some girl who was trying to seduce him.

The phone rings and it is Dean so we talk for about 15 minutes.

I get up to turn the tv off and then Leo barfs 6 times (I counted) and I had to clean it up. Leo is REALLY sick...please send him some good thoughts.

Anyhoo, while cleaning up cat barf, I am hearing conversation ...him telling the girl she is getting in over her head. How he is a MAN, not a little boy, etc. etc. I start cracking up because it is so flippin CHEESEY. I mean, do guys really talk like that? LOL.

I leave to get a towel (it was a LOT of barf) and when I come back in, I see Brad turned Bad Boy...oh yeah, his name is Dollar Bill....I mean, how MUCH did they pay him to call him that? HAH!

Okay, so he walks over to this girl and RIPS her blouse open....you know...the way your HUSBAND does every time he sees you, right?
I am HOWLING. The kids are like, what is so funny? I guess I just missed the point entirely.

I mean, the FIRST thing I could think of is " how much did that blouse cost?" I mean, REALLY. Blouses are expensive...at least good ones. Did he rip the blouse to hear the buttons pop? Or just for effect? Did the camera guys laugh out LOUD when the blouse ripped?

I mean, these folks on soap operas are supposed to be loaded, right? So, let's just say that particular blouse cost 200 bucks or so. Would you REALLY be into it if some guy just RIPPED a 200 dollar blouse because he was...ahem...REALLY attracted to you. And what happens to all those buttons?

Just wondering...that's all. So, tune in next week for Part 2. because I'm going to tell you the about the last time I recall having a bodice 'ripped...' And then, maybe for fun, Dean and I can put on cheap shirts and see how hard it is to actually RIP a 'bodice'....hee hee......


  1. You just gotta love all that bodice-ripping goodness...nothing like soaps to put your life in perspective...ahem....Love your blog!

  2. This is sooo funny! I watched the same soaps in college. Shhh! Don't tell my parents. :)

    Don Diamont came to our local mall when I was a senior in college and working at one of the department stores. The manager let us go in pairs to see him. How silly is that?! LOL!!

  3. The only "soap" I watch is our Aussie one, Neighbours. It's actually pretty good! No ripping off of expensive tops! lol A lot more realistic than all the other soaps anyway. I would much rather watch The Simpsons. Perhaps the blouse was a prop with velcro, and they sound effected the ripping noise? lol
    Paw Leo! I am praying for him! If he's throwing up, perhaps you could buy him some cat grass (or find some regular long grass in a pot) to eat? it might just settle his tummy. Paw Paw Leo!

  4. Do not let her fool you! I saw Val rippp her own $200 Victoria Secrets "push-emmm-up" off, while not spilling a drop of her iced and salted 'jumbo' margarita!She was dancing for her hubby on a heavy oak table at "Margartita-ville" on Bourbon street just last New Years! I have photos too!

  5. I am now cleaning coffee from off my monitor!!!

    I used to watch soaps when I was younger too. Now they are the stupidest things I have ever seen.I would of been thinking the same things!

  6. Maybe the buttons were for show and the blouse was actually held together by snaps on the underside of the placket? Strong snaps can still make a satisfying bodice-ripping sound without actually breaking anything.

  7. gotta love those soaps! I still watch them every now and then. I must have missed that hot and steaming bodice rippin scene.

  8. okay...first of all...i think i wanna party with you and betty. i really do.
    secondly....i LOVE soap operas. no.no for their "dramatic" storylines and "wonderful acting"....no...for the entertainment factor. I miss soaps. i remember in college (way back in the early '80's) scheduling my classes around Y&R (when Victor went nuts and had that guy in their basement and nikki was stalked by the crazy guy with his moms ashes in an urn on the fireplace) and then in the afternoon, met a bunch of fellow watchers for Days of Our Lives (still a big fave!)
    bodice ripping? oh yeah. happens all the time.....teehee. i just had to write that to see what it looked like!
    and yeah...me too...wiping coffee from the screen this morning!

  9. To Betty: Your margarita comment reminds me of the first time that I took Val to a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans. Being a native New Orleanian, I advised my sweet wife (dating at the time) not to continue putting the beads she caught around her neck, as the jumping up and down would eventually tangle them into one BIG bead.

    Fast forward to 2:30am that morning... The 64oz. margarita daiquiri was wearing off as we made our way to our friend's apartment. Val begins to realize that she indeed has one HUGE bead around her neck that starts at her shoulders and stops at her ears. Claustrophobia takes over and, to make a long story shorter, I end up cutting all of her beads off with a pocket knife so that she didn't flip out.

    Good times... good times...


  10. LOL! When I saw your picture I figured it was an intro to Hot Cheap Mama Swap II.

  11. hehehe! I think I have a picture somewhere you could use!! hehehe!

  12. Very funny!! And i love your practical perspective--just the thought of my blouse being ripped would have my inclination going from " Hello, Bad Boy" to "Jerk"!!

  13. OMgosh...I am soooo glad I went potty before I sat down to read my e-mail! Dean and Val, I know how claustrophobia can take over ones self... but I can't stop laughing!
    that is soooo funny! I picture her in my mind over and again!

  14. Just stumbled onto your blog and literally laughed so hard my husband had to read this post as well. Hilarious! Bodice Ripping - what a hoot!

  15. Thanks for coming by my blog I love meeting new bloggers..... I so love this blog and when I get off my blog break I am going to come over here and read a while.........

    Sending you sun shine....!!

  16. Can't stop laughing so I can't type very well!!!!!!!!!

    I grew up watching As The World Turns, Secret Storm, Edge of Night and The Guiding Light. The CBS line-up. Y&R started when I was in high school. The leads teens - Nikki, Lauren Fenmore, Danny and Paul - were played by actors that are my age. It's funny to compare how they have aged compared to my friends and me.

    My college roomie and I still laugh about a life saving trachyotomy(sp?) that Jill Foster performed on John Abbott with a bic pen while being coached over the phone by her sister Dr. Casey! It was the summer of '79 and we hee hawed through the whole episode!

    Over the years I have watched all the soaps at one time or another. Scheduled my wisdom teeth extraction so I could be home for Josh and Reva's wedding in 1989! Seriously.

    Now I only watch Y&R every few weeks. And I laugh and laugh and laugh! Sorry I missed the bodice ripping episode. Bad Boy Brad indeed. Could he actually be Brad but with amnesia? Did they actually find Brad's dead body? Tune in tomorrow............

    PS. I wanna party with all y'all too! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!

  17. LOL I haven't watched a soap since Passions went off the air. At least everyone on that show knew it was ridiculous and embraced the stupidity of it!

  18. Now there's an idea for a fun weekend!! Shop 2nd hand store for cheap bodices, wait until after dinner, try them on and have spouse "test rip" them off. Can't wait!

  19. Please remind me to share the leather chaps story. Privately. So as not to embarass my husband on a profound scale, just a moderate one...

  20. just stumbled across your blog....this is hysterical....now I need to find a bodice to rip!


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