Thursday, July 2, 2009

dare to compare?

For all you little Vampiric bookworms out there:

Do you prefer.....Twilight series


Sookie Stackhouse series (AKA: TrueBlood series on HBO)

or both?

Me? Well, thanks for asking.......I love BOTH of course......I love me a good VAMPIRE book, yes, I do!


  1. Personally I like both! I mean they're just so vastly different... one is dirty and sexy and nasty and the other is all angsty and teen-agery.

    I think I could use more made-up descriptives ending in -y but I won't.

    You're welcome! :)

  2. I have not read the Sookie series yet, but would like to. I have the first one on request at the library...

    Come join my Summer Berry Swap, Sweets! You know you want to.:) Lori

  3. I am kinda freaked out by vampires,so even thought I love to read books I have been able to get away without reading any of them.

  4. i really liked the Marked series by P.c. Cast. have you read those? I liked them better than twilight but I haven't read true blood yet.


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