Friday, February 27, 2009


My dear sweet son is turning 13 this weekend! He asked me to crochet him a a cute one....pillow sized. Yeah.

I go online, I search and search and search for a Not happenin'..

So, I email various artisans on etsy asking if they have a CROCHET mind you....I don't knit. Nope...not that either.

I had to wing it. I don't mind winging it. This is what it turned out like. Not bad for my first attempt...but not 'pillow sized.' It is about the size of a dinner plate.

its okay though, he loved it!


  1. I love it that even though he is a "teenager" now, he still loves to have mom make him a little something! I love it when my 12 year old comes in and "would just love" to have something that I am making! One of my other sons just turned 15 (ugh! I am getting so old) on Feb. 25th! He wanted knitted slipper socks - I am still working on them!

  2. How sweet is that? I love it! Happy Birthday big guy!

    Val, you've been tagged. jump over to my blog for instructions!

    Have a delightful weekend!

  3. it is great! I don`t think I would be able to do something like that (unless I spent ages on it ;p) and what a coincidence my youngest son`s birthday is on Monday and on Wednesday the older has his birthday ha and we celebrating on the weekend

  4. Happy Birthday Ripstick Boy! This is a cool gift. Val you are so talented! Ripstick Boy is soooo lucky to have you as his mom. I'm sure he knows it too!

  5. That is just too cute! Wish I could crochet. All I know is the single stitch.

    Hugs :)



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